Project Chameleon
Adaptive Camouflage Generation
Update I
Though the grade was set and the class project complete, the idea is far from over. I updated the algorithm to produce results more accurate to the real pattern.
The changes are in the primary (light green) and tertiary (black) layers. While the old Project Chameleon randomly generated "pearls" to form these layers, the new Project Chameleon generates randomized-direction lines of "pearls." The "pearl" radii, angle of direction change between points of these lines, and length of these lines are all subject to multiple random changes or halts.
The new algorithm still ensures, as the old algorithm did:
Lack of horizontal or vertical macro-directionality
Presence of micro-directionality
Four color channels
Some blurred regions and some hard shape edges accomplished by disseminating concentrations of squares
The advantages of the new algorithm are:
Randomized trend lines similar to the true pattern instead of randomized circles
More accurate size of solid primary (light green) and tertiary (black) areas
Not perfect, but an improvement. These changes were implemented only to mimic true EMR more accurately, not to be more effective in environments.
After all, if I don't understand how current camouflage patterns work, how will I create something more effective on my own?